SuperBox 3 Reviews & (4.9/5) Customer Ratings of

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  • Live community. In the past month, 0 members of our SuperBox community have shared their reviews, providing helpful feedback on shopping at
  • SuperBox reviews created by the community. 3 members of our community have contributed their shopping experiences at Write your own SuperBox review now, and earn reward points if other shoppers find it helpful.
  • Honest SuperBox reviews. All the reviews on this page are based on real user experience. We currently have 3 honest SuperBox reviews, some featuring images to enhance their trustworthiness. Additionally, you can read the 0 pinned reviews for more helpful information.

SuperBox customer reviews

4.9 / 5 (3 ratings)

S6 Max for fun streaming

I will never regret upgrading my Superbox from S4 Pro to S6 Max. This device is so much better. There are more than 1,000 channels available, and it's all free. I also like the stunning HD display, which makes watching movies more enjoyable. Another thing I like about this device is that I can use parental control to protect my nephew and make sure he's only watching age-appropriate shows.


  • Free 1000 channel list
  • It's support parental control
  • The display is high-definition
  • Budget friendly


  • It's a bit heavier than the last version
age-appropriate parental control Movies HD display free channels streaming S6 Max

Useful for 1 shoppers


Love this easy to use streaming app

My order arrived earlier than expected, and I was so excited to open it and try out the SuperBox S5 Pro. This app offers amazing content without any subscription fees. Installing the device on my TV was super easy, and it even supports voice commands. I'm so happy to have a smart Android TV. But sometimes, my apps keep freezing for no reason. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I got a discount when I used a code, which is fantastic.


  • No content subscription fee
  • Built in Voice control
  • Easy to install
  • I get a discount by using the code


  • The apps keep freezing
apps freezing no subscription amazing content order arrived early easy installation discount voice commands Android TV streaming app

Useful for 0 shoppers


Amazing customer service for my S5 Max

I knew my Superbox was outdated when I noticed that the menu options weren't as comprehensive as the new version. But the customer service team was kind and helpful. When I asked about some channels that might be paused or fast-forwarded, they helped me right away. They were patient and understanding and didn't suggest I buy a new device. They explained it in the simplest way, and I could understand it easily. I'm so glad my device works well, even after using it for over a year. I think this is the last version that still works well, since it's not listed on the website.


  • Super friendly customer service
  • It's durable device
  • Easy to use system


  • Some channels may pause or fast forward
last version fast-forwarded paused channels new version menu options S5 Max customer service

Useful for 0 shoppers

SuperBox Review FAQ

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SuperBox has received an impressive 4.9 out of 5 rating from 3 customer reviews on Troupon. It shows that SuperBox is a safe and reliable merchant. The Troupon team verifies that each review submitted by members is authentic to prevent fake reviews.

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About our SuperBox reviews

Today, Troupon has collected 3 verified SuperBox reviews to help you, shoppers, make a smart purchase decision at Based on our data, SuperBox received an average rating of 5 out of 5.0 for pricing, 4.7 out of 5.0 for ordering, 4.7 out of 5.0 for service, and 5 out of 5.0 for delivery.